Perfecting Leagues
Manage on the move
Easy & Fast way to setup, launch and manage your golf leagues
Offer Professional grade tournaments
Powerful App with extensive Features For Golf Leagues
Quick & Fast Setup
Add members, create tournaments, finalise formats and launch them within minutes to get digital score card and live leaderboards
Group Management
Easy group management. On the day of tournament. Add, remove or even change groups, move them from one group to another
Live Leaderboard
Offer live leaderboards for all your matches, increase interest & participation and Leaderboard management
MVP leaderboard
MVP leaderboard on FedEx style point system with automatic updates. Have a leaderboard for the each season

Easy Golf League Management
Easy, Intuitive & Manage any Number of Golfers
Setup in Minutes, start a tournament in seconds and just sit back and enjoy. Enhance the playing experience of your Association. Offer your members a Professional Tournament experience. Make your league FUN!. Players profile with interesting insights, league summary, each tournament summary are all part of the package
Comprehensive App for All your Needs
Save Hours, Increase Participation, offer an Inclusive Experience
GemGolfers offers you a rich feature set to manage your league members, matches & leaderboard. You have the record of all your matches, interesting insights and interesting team formats to keep your members engaged and wanting for more. The season long MVP based on points system takes the excitement one notch above. All this is achieve through your smart phone within minutes.

Pricing Plans
The Best Solutions for Golf Leagues, Associations or Groups
Individual Golfers
Create Daily Rounds
Manage your Handicaps
Performance improving statistics
Interesting individual and Team formats
Gross & Net Scoring
Live Leaderboard
One person can Score the Group
League / Association
League members Management
Tournament Management
MVP point based leaderboards
Interesting Team formats
Multi Round - Multi Course Tournaments
Tournament & League Summaries
Live Leaderboards
Golf Tours
Golf Tour Portal
Itinerary Manager
Tour Match Manager
Match Summaries
Personal Tour members Summary
Live Leaderboards
Team formats

Download App to acheive success
Professional Tour Experience for your Touring Members
It if fast and easy. Just sign up and setup your golf league in seconds, add your league members in minutes and you are all set to launch a league tournament with complete live leaderboard, players score adding, each members performance improvement stats, MVP season long leaderboards. Automatic signups, leaderboard management. Even non playing League/ Association members can access the leaderboard and become a part of the Match
Happy Customer
Clients Testimonials

We have been struggling with sheets and all kinds of tools to manage our golf league of about 45 player. With GemGolfers it has become a breeze, players get a professional golf tournament experience while we simple have to do almost nothing to manage
Danny Seal
Golf Tourism Network

We have been engaged with GemGolfers for years now, it is amazing how easy the app is and they they keep adding new & interesting game formats every now and then. Because of GemGolfers our league is interesting and has huge participation.
Omer Zia
Golf League Owner